Top 10k strings from Red Arrows (1985)(Alternative Software)[re-release].tzx
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2 W P Q R S T U V W@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W`P`Q`R`S`T`U`V`W 2 8score is halved. 1 pREAD FEATURES AGAIN? Y OR N 1 cZXCVASDFGQWERT1234509876POIUYeLKJH sMNB 1 You've finished the FULL DISPLAY 1 You've CRASHED in MID-AIR!! 1 You've CRASH-LANDED!! 1 WSPECTRUM+ OWNERS 1 WEXTENDED FEATURES CONTINUED 1 WEXTENDED FEATURES 1 W THE RED ARROWS 1 UNDERCARRIAGE 1 SCREEN SELECT 1 Red Arrowsy 1 Red Arrow2 1 Red Arrow1 1 RUDDER RIGHT 1 RUDDER LEFT 1 ROLL RIGHT 1 RETURN TO SQUADRON 1 PAUSE/ABORT 1 ONO FIRE BUTTON 1 OFIRE BUTTON PRESSED 1 MORE THRUST 1 MORE BRAKES 1 LESS THRUST 1 LESS BRAKES 1 Here's how the Red Arrows would do it !!!! 1 Good Landing!! 1 Flown out of display area! 1 FFFFGGGGCzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 1 FFFFGGGGCC 1 DEBRIEFING TIME: 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CENTRE RUDDER 1 But have left the squadron! 1 BRAKE THRUST 1 ARE THESE OK? Y or N 1 9RETURN TO SQUADRON KEY 1 9PAUSE/ABORT KEY 1 9FLIGHT TUITION OPTION 1 9DEMO MODE 1 9AUTOMATIC THRUST OPTION 1 9AUTOMATIC STEERING OPTION 1 98..AUTOMATIC STEERING 1 97..AUTOMATIC THRUST 1 96..FLIGHT TUITION 1 8your score is halved. 1 8select these keys as this game 1 8operated for you and your 1 8one of which is a shift key. 1 8not appear on the ordinary 1 8multiscreen will operate as 1 8menu or is entered by default 1 8last selected. 1 8keys, semi colon, quotes, comma 1 8if no key is pressed. 1 8expects only single keys for 1 8effect of two keys being pressed 1 8each function. 1 8are operated for you and your 1 8another key to resume. 1 8and zeroes your score so far. 1 8and full stop. 1 8Your thrust and brakes are 1 8Your elevators and ailerons 1 8Tuition messages and the 1 8This can be selected from the 1 8These extra keys have the 1 8The Spectrum+ has keys that do 1 8TRUE VIDEO, INV VIDEO, DELETE 1 8Spectrum. These keys are:- 1 8ROLL RIGHT 1 8ROLL LEFT 1 8Press once to freeze the game. 1 8Press again to end the game or 1 8NOSE DOWN 1 8MORE THRUST 1 8MORE BRAKES 1 8LESS THRUST 1 8LESS BRAKES 1 8It is therefore inadvisable to 1 8Instructions to help you and 1 8GRAPH, EXTENDED MODE, EDIT, 1 8Exit demo mode by pressing 1 8CAPS LOCK, BREAK, the cursor 1 8Brings you back into position 1 89..RETURN TO MAIN MENU 1 86..DEMO OPTION 1 85..PERFORM DISPLAY 1 85..ARRIVAL 1 84..TRAINING FLIGHT 1 84..PYRAMID ROLL 1 83..MANHATTAN LOOP 1 83..DISPLAY JOYSTICK 1 82..SELECT KEYS 1 82..CONCORDE FLYPAST 1 81..SOLO FLIGHT 1 81..KEYBOARD or KEMPSTON JOYSTICK 1 . . . WELL DONE! . . . 1 . . . GAME OVER . . . 1 *********************************************************************************************************************FFFFFFFFFF**********************FFFFFFFFFF**********************FFFFFFFFFF**********************FFFFFFFFFF**********************FFFFFFFFFF*********************************************************************************************************************************"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1 "Red Arrow2" 1 "Red Arrow1" 1 "&),/258;>ADGJMPSVY\_behkmpsvy{~ 1 DATABASE SOFTWARE 1985 1 The MANOEUVRE has ended!